Donate to the Endowment Fund
Endow the Future

In recent years, a nonprofit organization’s commitment to financial stability and diversified revenue streams has become increasingly important to fulfilling their missions.
One way that many nonprofits are seeking to ensure their sustained impact and weather uncertainties is by establishing and growing an endowment.
A nonprofit endowment is a fund set aside by an organization, the principal of which is managed separately from other funds and invested to generate income for long-term sustainability and impact. An endowment is meant to provide a stable and reliable source of income for the nonprofit organization despite external factors, such as economic uncertainty or fluctuating donation levels. Importantly, an endowment allows for strategic flexibility by enabling a nonprofit to adapt to changing circumstances, address unexpected challenges, explore innovative approaches, and plan long term for new initiatives.
The Tolland Education Foundation, now adulting into its 21st year, has setup an endowment fund to do just this, thereby enabling sustainable giving by the Foundation to Tolland Public Schools.
Now, donations to the Tolland Education Foundation can be directed to traditional immediate giving to Tolland Public Schools in support of the Foundation’s mission and/or to the endowment. It is up to the donor to decide.
For donors who wish to see immediate impact from their donations, traditional giving may be preferred. For individuals, businesses and other supporters of education who are seeking sustainable giving to Tolland Public Schools to help carry out the mission of the Tolland Education Foundation for decades to come, a donation to the endowment or a legacy donation through a qualified charitable distribution may be preferable.